Clark Huff
Maurice Murray
Lucille Hughes

The Committee on Shared Ministry (COSM) guides the spiritual health of our congregation. Our mandate is to assess the work of the congregation and minister, report on its findings, and make recommendations. Our role is to assess the effectiveness and recommend potential improvements.

If a member of the congregation has a concern about the health and well-being of our beloved community, they are always invited to bring that concern to a member of the COSM. The committee members welcome phone calls, a conversation at church on Sunday, or emails.

The Committee is composed of six (6) Voting Members who are elected by the Congregation. Terms of office of three (3) Committee members shall begin in even-numbered years. Terms of office of three (3) Committee members shall begin in odd-numbered years. The COSM currently has vacancies; if you’re interested in joining, please email Clark.

Mission and Vision

The COSM aims to ensure that PrairieUU’s mission and vision remain on course as we look ahead to PrairieUU’s growth and development. We are integrating the Appreciative Inquiry Visioning work done by PrairieUU in 2018 as well will be guiding the PrairieUU Associates in the area of the following three initiatives; Engaged Youth, Impactful Social Justice, Spiritual Growth, Stable and Inspired Home of Our Own, and Thriving and Engaged Community.

Covenant and Right Relations

As Unitarian Universalists, we strive to live in covenant and right relation by building the beloved community locally and globally. The underlying goal for PrairieUU’s culture is to maintain loving relationships, respect, listen, hear, and understand perspectives of all by truly understanding grievances, compassionately identifying agreement, compassionately identifying disagreement; seeking consensus, and developing a mutually respectful action plan which maintains/restores loving relationship, implements the action plan, and evaluates the effectiveness of the plan for achieving the goal.

We also recognize that we sometimes miss the mark with living in the right relations both as individuals and as a community. If you have any concerns about someone or us not living up to our full covenantal potential, you are welcome to enjoin us in a Reconciliation and Restorative Listening Circle.

Ministerial Health

In the hope to create a safe space for all members of our community to be engaged in open and candid dialogue. We are charged with assessing the entire ministry and providing constructive feedback and criticism to our minister, and other leaders in the congregation. To this end, we are in continuous conversations with teams and others listening and engaging in order to best assess and make recommendations on the overall health of the ministry. . In this role, the COSM is here to work together in tandem with all members of our community to connect all facets of PrairieUU in continuing to be a healthy and thriving engaged community.


We always invite members to share thoughts, concerns, and, kudos with us at our monthly meeting and through our Suggestion Box either online or at the greeter’s table Sunday Mornings. All information received will be reviewed and addressed by the Committee on Shared Ministry with the utmost confidentiality.