We invite you to join us for our Sunday Morning Experience!
We offer both In-Person and Virtual services.

Most In-Person services are held at the
Parker Library: 20105 East Mainstreet, Parker, CO 80138.

Most services also stream on ZOOM.


One of the best ways to be in the know with all things Prairie UU is to make sure that you are on our email list. We send weekly updates about worship themes, community goings-on, social justice, faith development opportunities, and UU events around town.


Office/Admin Email: voice@prairieuu.org

Office Phone: 720-549-0530

Connect with us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.


Email the Board of Trustees

Kim Rebecca-Murray, President: KimM@PrairieUU.org
Rich Wallower, Vice President: RichW@PrairieUU.org
Carol Foster, Secretary: CarolF@PrairieUU.org
Jan Spooner, Treasurer: JanS@PrairieUU.org
Sarah Melius, Trustee: SarahM@PrairieUU.org
Jenny Rodman, Trustee: VirginiaR@PrairieUU.org


Minister ~ Reverend Chip Roush: Minister@PrairieUU.org
Administrator ~ Katy Upperman: KatyU@PrairieUU.org
Worship Technology Coordinator ~ Matthew Brown: MatthewB@PrairieUU.org
Accompanist: Iris Magers
Lifespan Educator ~ Position Open

Committee/Event Emails

Committee on Religious Education (CORE Team) – All Things Sunday Morning

Committee on Shared Ministry (COSM)

Justice League – Social & Environmental Justice

LifeSpan – Religious Exploration For All Ages

Membership Committee

Annual Fundraising Auction

Candles of Community

Pledge Drive

Spirit of Life Property


Mailing address:

Prairie UU Church
P.O. Box 1684
Parker, CO 80134