PUUC_Vision Appreciative Inquiry Image


Prairie UU Church embarked on a year-long Appreciative Inquiry process in March of 2018 to establish a new vision and direction for Prairie.  The process focused on recognizing what is the best of Prairie and what more do we want to affirm those strengths.

We have completed the first four phases and are now ready for Destiny! Destiny will happen with ALL of our focus and engagement. Our 5 Vision areas are:


Thriving and Engaged Community

Prairie is a community of people of all backgrounds and beliefs that thrives by providing everyone a warm, welcoming experience. Our community provides a space where all people will be cared for with compassion and they are valued, included, seen, and heard. There is a space for each person’s story and personal journey, and we are not afraid to discuss and learn from our differences. Our relationships in our community encourage our growth and fill our hearts and souls with love and joy as we work together to improve our world.


Impactful Social Justice

We dedicate ourselves to living our values by consistently engaging the full congregation to educate and activate ourselves and to challenge the intersectional conditions that create and sustain oppression, inequality, and injustice at both the institutional and individual levels – in the world, our communities, our own back yards, and our hearts.


Spiritual Growth

We inspire and enrich spiritual awakening, exploration, wonder, and deep connection in ourselves, our community, our world, and beyond. At the same time, we honor diversity in spiritual thought, experience, and practice, with each person choosing what is true and right for themselves.


Engaged Youth

Our congregation embraces youth by providing a welcome and safe place for youth and their friends to thrive and flourish spiritually – preparing them to make their own spiritual decisions. Our activities and education are centered around helping youth understand and transform our complex world. We support our Youth as they live out the Principles and lead us into the future.


Stable and Inspired Home of Our Own

Staffing – Our paid staff use available resources to help us all look good. They keep us informed of our opportunities to help each other and our greater community. Our various committees and teams benefit from their daily maintenance of Prairie priorities and make us proud. We are better together because of their guidance. Facilities – The place where we meet each week vibrates with the energy of our enthusiasm for our mission. It echoes with the sounds of our choir and children. Together we look forward to the day when we will fill our own building with our community. This place will continue to reflect our values and ideology. We keep our covenant to each other and the outside world in this place we call home.


A Report to the Prairie Unitarian Universalist Church Congregation June 2, 2019