Topic: Humanity

Humanizing Love

Melissa Bishop and Rev. Jann Halloran invite us to redefine love in a way that moves us from a superficial understanding to one that entreats us to walk through discomfort and pain order to deeply hear and create relationships that humanize all of us bringing compassion, justice and equity. Dave Lukaszewski and Eric Moon will provide … Continue reading Humanizing Love

A Bit of the Blues

Every year at the onset of the holiday season, we explore the reality of the holiday blues, especially for those who are grieving or suffering from any form of illness, including mental illnesses.  Our hope is to acknowledge the challenges and to build support and care in community, while still celebrating the joy of the … Continue reading A Bit of the Blues

Extending Community: A Community of Hearts

Join Prairie members Andrew Paschetto and Melissa Bishop in a service about how to deal with fear and hatred, when it is unleashed in civil discourse. How do we get past seeing people as “others”?

Understanding Othering

We cannot seem to help creating and living within our tribes, and these tribes are what often divide us from one another. How can we learn to know when we are in our tribe and othering others, Rev. Jann Halloran asks?  If we can’t learn to see beyond our tribes, we cannot fully live into our … Continue reading Understanding Othering

Tackling Racism

Learning to tell our stories is the anecdote to tackling racism in our lives and in our culture.  The Rev. Jann Halloran will tell her story of confronting racism and the personal growth she has experienced from the work.  Dave Lukaszewski and Jenny Rodman will provide music. Middle and High School youth will have Brunch Bunch … Continue reading Tackling Racism