NewUU: Pathways to Membership
If you feel Prairie UU is your spiritual home, we ask that you consider a commitment to our congregation. Membership includes making a financial pledge (we welcome a pledge of service if you can’t financially commit at this time), a commitment to attend most Sundays, and a commitment to become involved in the community through social activities, classes/groups, and service.
We encourage you to attend the “Learn About Prairie” class, held periodically by our minister. This class includes a brief history of Unitarian Universalism, an overview of Prairie UU, and time for you to ask questions.
You can join Prairie by speaking with or otherwise reaching out to our Membership Committee and signing our Membership Book. During a Sunday New Member Ceremony, you also have the opportunity to more formally sign our book and be recognized as a new member.
Prairie UU is governed, ultimately, by the congregation. Members can vote in congregational meetings, elect officers, approve our budget, choose our justice projects and help us direct our ministries and vision. All are welcomed and encouraged to become part of the Prairie community!
Member Directory
For privacy purposes, the Member Directory is available to members only. It includes members’ names and contact information. If you are a member and would like to access this information, please email Admin. Your membership will be verified, and then you will be sent a username, password, and instructions.