Updates from COSM – July, 2023

A special election was held at the June 2023 Congregational Meeting; Clark Huff and Vivian LIttlefield were elected to the COSM for three year terms. Current COSM goals are to partner with Reverend Roger and the new JEDI Advocate, Reverend Anthony Scott, to lead the JEDI project funded in part by a UUA grant.

Reverend Scott has a MiDiv from Edon Theological Seminary, St Louis University; A Ddiv from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. Most recently he has served as a ministry consultant, trainer, conflict mediator, and regional justice executive for Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Church of Christ (UCC). In this role, he instituted an anti racism Ministry encompassing action, education and programming. He provided support and strategy for clergy support, congregational growth, vitality and networking. He has also served as a Pastoral Associate at the UCC Englewood, Colorado; a chaplain Resident, University of Colorado and Chaplain Extern, University of Pennsylvania; and an Associate for Christian Education for adults, children and youth.

Reverend Scott began his JEDI activities at PUU on May 5, 2023 and will serve through June, 2024. He will work with members of the COSM, Core Team, and Reverend Roger to plan discussions, educational sessions, and worship services addressing the ways that PUU can meet its goal of becoming a multicultural Blessed Community approved by the congregation in May, 2022. He will seek input and advice from members, friends and visitors for what is needed to increase understanding, healing and strategies for future growth.