Susan Ermisch
My family, (Paul, Max, and I), started coming to Prairie around November of 1999. Our son, Max, was 5.5 months old when we joined the church. That means we’ve been members and attending Prairie for nearly 21 years. I did not grow up in a church community and have learned only as an adult, what a church community offers. And I am so grateful! I grew up in Roswell, NM, not attending church except from time to time with my Grandmother (Methodist) or friends (Baptist and Catholic). I certainly experienced the pressure as a kid that I was headed to a “bad place” because I didn’t go to church.
Paul was inspired to find a church when we got pregnant with Max. I’m grateful that he found Prairie online and we attended a class led by Reverend Jann on identifying our spirituality. As we met more people and learned of the Seven Principles, we were “hooked”. I jumped into religious education and spent time teaching (learning) with our “littles”. I realized spending time with the kids as they grew up helped me to prepare for parenting our kids as they grew up. Our family has grown up within this community (Paul, Max, Molly, and I). A community that has walked with me through many celebrations and losses. My views, learnings, and practices have been expanded due to so many in this community and spiritual leadership.
One of my favorite quotes is “Dwell in possibility…..” – Emily Dickinson. That led me to be inspired to participate in the Visioning team and I look forward to continuing our work now as part of the Committee on Shared Ministry.
Let’s continue to laugh, love, and dance together.