Prairie UU & You ~ 1/13/2025

Click the graphic for information on our January Services

IMPORTANT Breeze update!
If you have been or would like to begin receiving text message service reminders from Prairie UU (via our church management software, Breeze) you must now opt in. You may have already done so in October, when Breeze sent out a text requesting an opt in. If so, disregard! If you did not, but would like Prairie UU texts once a week, please contact Prairie’s administrator, Katy, by email ([email protected]) and she will help. If you want to know more about these new SMS compliance requirements, you may read this article.

Womxn’s March Denver

Lingering November disappointment? Want to voice objections to the upcoming inauguration (among other things)? Please join Kim and march in the 4th annual Womxn’s March: Saturday, January 18, 9:30AM – 11:30AM in downtown Denver. This is a coordinated, national act of objection. More information can be found by clicking THIS LINK. Contact Kim at [email protected] if you want to meet up at/carpool to this important event of solidarity!


Interested in a fun UU Retreat in Tampa 1/28/25 – 2/3/25? See what SWIM has to offer! SWIM 2025 – A Unitarian Universalist Retreat in Tampa, Florida attended by about 80 UUs from around the US. The Franciscan Center can accommodate 61. It’s located in a residential neighborhood along the river. Meals are catered with on-site workshops and off-site excursions. There are many opportunities to visit the many museums/outdoor experiences in Tampa. Evening programs include singer David Roth, Friction Farm, and Lily Jane. For questions, contact Carolyn Adler at [email protected] For local contact, reach out to Claudia V.

Justice League
Please mark your calendar for our next meeting: January 26, 2025.
We are focusing on organizing, networking with other UUs and interfaith groups near Denver for action related events, finding some community speakers to fill our lay-led services, and helping with voting rights efforts.
Reach out to Kathy H. with questions, or visit the Justice League’s page.

Share the Plate

Prairie UU will share its plate with Project Worthmore on the last Sunday of January, and Denver’s Planned Parenthood on the last Sunday of February. You may also choose to contribute to these organizations throughout the month via check or their websites. Thank you for your generosity, and thanks to Prairie’s Justice League for its forethought in planning for these donations!
Circle Supper
Jeff and Johni G. will be hosting January’s Circle Supper on January 18th at 4PM. They will provide chili and a vegan soup option with handmade sourdough from one of their friends — yum! Guests are welcome to bring an additional  soup, appetizer, or bread.
Let’s warm up January with a cozy meal together!
Jeff and Johni can accommodate up to 10 guests.
Please email [email protected] to RSVP.

Prairie UU’s Book Club

When: Monthly at 2:00PM
Where: Parker Library, The Loft
We are going to combine the November Book Club that was postponed with the January, 2025 Book Club. We will meet on Saturday, January 18th at 2:00PM in the Loft at the Parker Library. For those who may need a bit of a reminder…
The November book selection was The Passage of Power by Robert A Caro – The Years of Lyndon Johnson.
The January pick is Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese.
Both of these books are over 600 pages, so please plan accordingly.
Bring picks for the 2025 Book Club so we can start building out a reading list. Also, we can discuss changing up the meeting day/time if there is a need to do so. Please contact Sarah with any questions.


Musical Jam Sessions

We are switching things up! Ukulele lessons on Thursday afternoons are ending, and the Prairie Jamboree is starting up!
~ 2nd and 4th Thursdays, each month
~ 4:30PM-6:00PM
~ The Gulch (Spirit of Life property)
For questions contact Clark or Claudia. All are welcome!


A generous offer from Joanna Shukert, of our Prairie Community…

If any of you are considering buying or selling a home, or know someone who is, I’m offering to donate half my net commission from any transaction originating from a Prairie member. The funds will be donated directly to Prairie in your name. As you know, home prices have doubled in recent years (along with real estate commissions), so I’m happy to make this offer on an ongoing basis. I’ve worked as a Denver realtor for 15 years and have been in the top 5-10% of HomeSmart agents over the past 3 years. I’d be honored to assist with any buy or sell transaction in the metro area. I also offer free advice or guidance on anything real estate related, so please reach out anytime if I can help.
Please email Joanna to learn more!

Upcoming Services

Questions? Additions for next week? Please email Katy!