Join us on Google Meet Sunday, April 26th!

With the Justice League leading us, we will explore how we can open our hearts to lovingly support our community and still work for justice from home. The antidote for CoViD-19 anxiety for many is taking action. You might be surprised to discover just how much you can do and how very important your actions are right now and will be for some time to come. The service will not be live-streamed but instead will happen Live completely in Google Meet. A recording will be posted on social media after the service. Come join us and get set starting at 9:45 with the service beginning at 10:00. After an abbreviated fellowship time, we will break into smaller online groups to begin putting these skills into practice. Families and friends are encouraged to join us! Please read all of the details of what you will need to fully participate below.
Service Activity 1: Rock Painting
Painting rocks with decorations and words of comfort for our friends at Ready-to-Work (the Justice League will make arrangements to pick up and deliver).
Google Meet
636-888-0213 PIN: 889 265 218#
Contact: Timothy B
Service Activity 2: Card Making
Decorating and writing cards and letters of hope and comfort for people in the Prairie community and Ready-to-Work.
Google Meet
650-963-2034 PIN: 713 301 878#
Service Activity 3: Sidewalk Chalk
Using sidewalk chalk, decorating your own sidewalks with words of comfort and hope for your neighbors.
Google Meet
346-800-3897 PIN: 902 584 527#
Contact: Melissa B
Here’s what you need to do in advance:
- Please pick up card kits, rock-painting kits, and/or sidewalk chalk from the home of the Bishops at any time before the activity on 4/26: 8675 Little Sunflower Place, Parker 80134. You can call/text Melissa B at 720-471-0853 if you like, but you can stop by any time – the kits will be in a box on the porch. You will need pens/crayons/markers and glue/glue sticks for the cards – and you are welcome to use your own supplies if you have some on hand – glitter, embellishments, paints, etc.
- Send Nancy L the names and addresses of anyone you think would be cheered to receive a card.
Topics: Service Sunday