Prairie UU is a 2024 Honor Congregation!

From Reverend Sofía Betancourt, Ph.D., UUA President:
Every year, each congregation in the Unitarian Universalist Association is asked to give a
financial contribution to support the wider movement and sibling congregations across our
Association. This contribution supports the Annual Program Fund, which is the single largest
source of income for the work of our UUA. Our support of one another strengthens the
covenant among us.
Your congregation gave the full requested amount to the Annual Program Fund during this
fiscal year 2024. This means you are an Honor Congregation, honoring the covenant
between and among our congregations. THANK YOU!
Your giving is a concrete expression of our congregations’ covenant with one another, and is
a recognition that we are not alone, but are part of an Association of Congregations. This
support allows the UUA to serve the diverse needs of the 1,002 member congregations across five regions. Congregational giving through the Annual Program Fund (APF) makes the work of the UUA possible.
Please display this Honor certificate somewhere prominent and share with your congregation
my personal appreciation on behalf of all the congregations that your generosity benefits.
Your support strengthens Unitarian Universalism and its vital, liberating message for our
time. Together we are organizing for justice, imagining new ways forward in community, and
growing spiritually. Thank you for your giving to the Annual Program Fund. You make so
much possible.