COSM Update for April 2021

Dear Members,
We currently have two vacant positions on the Committee on Shared Ministry (COSM). This is a very important Committee that is responsible for our Mission and Vision; Right Relations and Ministerial support and evaluation. The Prairie Board has asked that there be a special election to fill these vacancies as soon as possible and that these positions would then continue (starting in July) into the three-year terms for COSM that were recently approved by the Congregation.
The Leadership Development Committee (formerly the Nominations Committee) has publicized that these positions were open and have received Statements of Interest from two candidates. We are pleased that Margaret deLeon has expressed their interest in being candidates for these positions. Please click on the links below to see/hear their Statements of Interest.
Click here to view Margaret de Leon’s statement of interest.
To vote please click here by Sunday, April 25th.
Thank you for voting for Prairie’s leadership.
Janet Stevens, Chair, Leadership Development Committee