Weaving Waters

Join PrairieUU this Sunday, February 6th as we listen to the Pacific Western Region UUA conference closing worship – “Weaving Waters”
This will be an embodied, engaging, multi-gen worship service focusing on a parable of interdependence and unity. Waters cascade together, while maintaining their individual sources, combining to bring nutrients, gifts, and give life to something much larger. A story of interweaving while also affirming one’s essence and culture; It is a story central to Unitarian Universalism, then and now. For this worship, you will be asked to interact, or imagine interacting, with sand, salt, stone, seeds, and vessels for pouring water. You may want to have those nearby before you settle in for service.
Join us for Conversation:
Beginning at 10:15 via Google Meet. This will be our space to chat and socialize before and during the service.
Following the worship service, there will be Candles of Community.
Candles of Community sharing is as follows:
1. Only personal joys and sorrows should be shared with care to not give personal information about others
2. No sharing of political statements or concerns about Prairie UU programs or activities in candles. Other resources are available to share concerns, criticism, or suggestions.
3. Individuals in the service should observe confidentiality, respecting the privacy of all who share