Service Sunday: Right Relationship with Our Beloved Indigenous Community

Get RRRREADY for Service Sunday

BEFORE the 10:30 church service “Creating Right Relationship with Our Beloved Indigenous Community

Stop by the Open Space parking lot between 8:30 and 9:30 to:

  • Clean up!
  • Pick up ME postcards to send to your doctors
  • Exchange bread with fellow PrairieUU folks to prep for Soup & Bread Communion following Candles of Community

Mask, gloves, and 6-foot distancing required.

Where’s our Open Space? Baldwin Gulch, trailhead at Twenty Mile Road and Ponderosa Drive.

PUUC_OpenSpace Clean Up3

Online Worship Service

Google Meet

Contact: Justice League

This Sunday we welcome Rick Waters, Co-Executive Director/ Lead Relationship Guidance Specialist for the Denver Indian Center as our special guest. Rick is a member of Rick Watersthe Kiowa and Cherokee tribes of Oklahoma. He has served a variety of positions through Indian Country for over 40 years. The Denver Indian Center was founded in 1983 to meet the unique needs and challenges facing our Native community. They support our Native youth and community by providing guidance for economic empowerment and self-reliance, programs that empower families and honor our elders, and by offering a space where Native culture can be preserved and celebrated.

Rick will talk about the needs of our local Indigenous Community and give Prairie accountable feedback regarding our efforts to live out our values as we create Beloved Community. This will be an opportunity to listen and ask questions about how incorporating a Land Acknowledgement, as well as our proposed Thanksgiving Resolution, repairs our relationship with our local Indigenous Community.

We hope you will join us.

AFTER Candles of Community

Soup and Bread CommunionPlease join us after Candles for further discussion of the Justice League’s proposed Thanksgiving Resolution. Virtually together, we will partake in a Soup & Bread Communion, as proposed, to consider as a replacement to our traditional American Thanksgiving tradition.




9:30 am LifeSpan (Children’s Program)

11:30 am Candles of Community

11:45 am LifeSpan (Youth (6-12)



Ralph Waldo Mouse Says:
“We do not own the land. The land is our mother, and she owns and nurtures us.”