Online Worship Service
Join the Board and COSM as we share another Continuing Conversation, this month on Covent and the Touchstones. Reverend Carol McKinley and Rev Summer Albayati will lead the worship. The UUA has just completed a Report of the UUA Commission on Appraisal, entitled Unlocking the Power of Covenant. Contact Vivian L. if you want to read it prior to our worship and small group discussion. Bring your questions about the Covenant and/or the Touchstones. The topic was suggested in prior discussions about how to address and heal the pain and conflict within PUU.
After the worship service, there will be small group discussions, followed by Candles.
The Reverend Carol McKinley is a staff member of the UUA Pacific Western Region who has a passion for justice activitie=sm and co-chairs the district’s Healthy Congregations Teams. She specializes in the Covenant as a means to the Beloved Community.
The Reverend Summer Albayati is a UU Muslim of Iraquis descent whose focus is on transformation by emphasizing that a mission-focused congregation increases vitality, membership, commitment to justice, and love. She serves on the staff of the PWR UUA staff.
Watch Worship Live at 10:30 am

“If there’s no healing, then there’s no learning.”