
Worship Online

Join PrairieUU as we gather for worship centered around the 2nd principle of Kwanzaa: Kujichagulia – Self-Determination. Join us as we honor the African heritage that allows African Americans to define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves.

As a prelude to this service, please read “Cornrows, Kwanzaa, and Confusion.”

As part of our honoring of the critical work of self-determination for our Black and multi-racial community during Kwanzaa, we will have our first Book Communion. We ask each Prairie member to purchase a book that will be donated to Read to the Children, a partnership between the Colorado State Library’s Institutional Library Development and the Colorado Department of Corrections Libraries. The program, currently available at all 22 Department of Corrections facility libraries, helps offenders stay involved in their children’s lives by encouraging their children to read. The program accepts Children’s books in gift-giving condition. The book will be read by the family member who is incarcerated and then sent to the child.

As part of the service, we will ask our Prairie community to share the book they’ve selected and to talk a little bit about why they chose it. Consider doing some research to learn more about books that might be appropriate to select. Also, consider purchasing your book from a Black Bookseller online or curbside locally. Books will then be collected by the Justice League. As has become our custom, you may drop off in Parker at the home of [email protected] (720) 471-0853 or in Aurora to the home of [email protected] (720) 636-1912 or we are happy to stop by to collect from your doorstep.


Watch Worship Live at 10:30 am


361-360-8585‬ PIN: ‪992 842 341‬#.



9:30 am LifeSpan (Children’s Program)


11:30 am Candles of Community


11:45 am LifeSpan (Youth (6-12)


11:45 am LifeSpan (Adults)

Cultural (Mis)Appropriation. Celebrations like Kwanzaa that celebrate the diverse backgrounds of our UU BIPoC community often require learning from white allies to foster deep, authentic understanding and respect. It may seem that it is complicated to not unintentionally hurt others when we participate in the culture and music of our BIPoC siblings that we are trying to honor. We may find it easier to just avoid conversations about race altogether. But our UU principles and Prairie’s vision for Beloved Community that works for justice supports us to stand together and to keep going. Please join us immediately following the service as the Justice League leads us in activities and discussions that illuminate a loving path forward. Consider doing some background reading in preparation. Excellent UU resources can be found here. Please contact Melissa B. with any questions