Join us for Conversation at 10:15 am
Beginning at 10:15 via Google Meet. This will be our space to chat and socialize before and during the service. Candles of Community will be in this same space after the service.
Watch Worship Live at 10:30 am on Google Meet
Join guest speaker, Peighton Carter, as she talks about her journey with disabilities and why Unitarian Universalism is her spiritual home. She will also talk about accessibility and inclusion within our congregations and community at large.
Peighton Carter is the intern minister at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Eau Claire, WI. She is also a third year seminary student at Iliff School of Theology in Denver, CO. Peighton has been speaking out about Post-Traumatic Stress, Military Sexual Trauma, and Disabilities for about 7 years. She is a mother of 3, artist, veteran, and person with multiple disabilities.
Following the worship service there will be Candles of Community.

“Even the Lone Ranger didn’t do it alone.”