Arms Wide Open

Join us online! Pastor AJ and our PrairieUU Core Team will be leading an inspiring service on what it means to live with our arms wide open to new experiences, people and ways to form community.
Join is via Google Meet and Facebook Live or by phone @ 1 361-360-8585‬ PIN: ‪992 842 341‬#.
We will have an opportunity for you to share in Candles of Community during the service via the Facebook Live comments and via Google Meet comments and audio.
NOTE: We would like to remind you that the services are live-streamed and your comments will be openly broadcast. If you would like to share Candles in a more intimate/closed setting you are welcome to do that after the service in Fellowship 1 – Candles or via our online Candles form.


Join us after our Service for small group discussion and gathering online on our Calendar at There you will find five general small group Fellowship areas available and three identity small groups one parents, one for People of Color, and one for Middle and High School Youth.

Learning Hour: Living Wills, End of Life Options Act

Contact: Janet S
Come Learn about Living Wills, Medical Power of Attorney, and the Colorado End of Life Options Act. Attorney Chris Mannion will explain how and why a Living Will and a Medical Power of Attorney are necessary features of your “estate plan;” and, provide information about the Colorado End Of Life Options Act. He will also explain how having Medicaid pay for nursing home care works.