Prairie Unitarian Universalist Church’s 
Annual Fundraising Auction

What a wonderful Auction! 

In case you missed it, we had a lot of fun!

We made our budget of $10,000 for 2023, and raised extra money (over $7000!) for
a new electronic “Wayside Pulpit sign” to put on Pine Dr.

A big thank you to Auction team: Gerry Brinkers, Jenny Rodman, Patty Wright, and Sarah and Sharon Melius for all their hard work to make this happen. A special thanks to “Cat in the Hat” Joe Francis for being our amazing Auctioneer, and our two teens who helped with check-in and more: Molly Morrill and Lily Ekdahl.

If you bought an item or items at the Auction, you should be receiving an email regarding your purchases! It will come from PrairieUUChurch<[email protected]. Please check y our spam if you do not see it.

See you all at next year’s Auction at our new home!


We’re off to great places; today is our day!