It’s December! Let’s bring our Thanksgiving gratitude of hope for a healing and healthy 2021!
Update on Board Activities:
Revised Nomination Policy and Procedures: The Board recommended more work on the revised policies developed with revisions from the COSM and Board members. The COSM is now working on another draft for Board approval in December. We hope to introduce the new policy and procedures at the January 31, 2021, Congregational Meeting.
Prairie UU Handbooks: There are 5 in development or revision. The Board’s goal is to have written policies, procedures, and clear job descriptions for all leadership and committee positions. These will be in one place, on our Google documents and accessible to the members and visitors. If you are interested in helping let me know. We will be seeking advice from those of you who have leadership roles. Watch for an email from me to provide input to your and your committee’s role and responsibility.
Board Liaisons: The Board has defined the role of Board Liaisons to Standing Committees. The Liaison position is identified in the Bylaws, but needed definitions and responsibility. Committee Chairs should watch for this description soon. The Liaison position is designed to be supportive of each committee’s work and to keep the Board informed of the Committee’s needs and activities.
January 31, 2021, Congregational Meeting: Mark your calendar and send suggestions for agenda items to me. The Congregational meeting will take place after the Sunday Service.
In Covenant,
President Board of Trustees