Prairie UU & You ~ 3/10/2025

Click the graphic for information on our March Services


Service Streaming

Please make a note: Beginning March 16th,
Sunday Services will stream via Google Meet rather than on Zoom.

Sunday Service: April 6, 2025

Due to a scheduling conflict with the library, our April 6th Sunday Service will be held at the Parker Rec Center (17301 Lincoln Ave, Parker, CO 80134). The service will begin at 10:45AM and will still stream online.

IMPORTANT Breeze update!
If you have been or would like to begin receiving text message service reminders from Prairie UU (via our church management software, Breeze) you must now opt in. You may have already done so in October, when Breeze sent out a text requesting an opt in. If so, disregard! If you did not, but would like Prairie UU texts once a week, please contact Prairie’s administrator, Katy, by email ([email protected]) and she will help.

Ukrainian Sponsorship Info

We need to make our voices heard. We need to tell our elected officials that Uniting for Ukraine (and similar programs that use the special type of visa called “humanitarian parole”) are legal, beneficial, and are saving lives.
This link takes you to a page for contacting your federal representatives.
You’ll want section one. Simply put in your address and the system will figure out your US representative and senators. There is a letter already written; you may send as is, or personalize it as you wish. Your message will be addressed appropriately to all three officials and sent to them from you.
Thank you for speaking out!


Prairie UU is hoping to hire a friendly, responsible person to offer childcare to the littlest people who attend services three Sundays a month at $15 an hour for 2 hours. If you or someone you know might be interested, please reach out to Jan.

We could use your help please!

Bring & Share a Snack for Fellowship Hour following Sunday services!
If your Last Name ends in:
1st Sunday A-F
2nd Sunday G-L
3rd Sunday M-R
4th Sunday S-Z
5th Sunday Anyone, please.

Share the Plate

Prairie UU will share the March 30th plate with Project Worthmore. You may also contribute to this organization throughout the month via check or their website.
Prairie UU’s Book Club

When: Monthly
Where: Parker Library
A combined February/March meeting will take place on Sunday, March 23rd following service. Our February selection is Founding Myth, Why Christian Nationalism is Unamerican by Andrew Seidel. Our March selection is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. We will meet at the Parker Library.
 Please contact Sarah with questions: [email protected].


Musical Jam Sessions

We are switching things up! Ukulele lessons on Thursday afternoons are ending, and the Prairie Jamboree is starting up!
~ 2nd and 4th Thursdays, each month
~ 4:30PM-6:00PM
~ The Gulch (Spirit of Life property)
For questions contact Clark or Claudia. All are welcome!


Prairie Stitchers

The Prairie Stitchers will meet at the Spirit of Life property on Wednesday, March 12th at 6PM, and will continue to meet on the second Wednesday of the month going forward. Please reach out to Carol with any questions: [email protected].


A generous offer from Joanna Shukert, of our Prairie Community…

If any of you are considering buying or selling a home, or know someone who is, I’m offering to donate half my net commission from any transaction originating from a Prairie member. The funds will be donated directly to Prairie in your name. As you know, home prices have doubled in recent years (along with real estate commissions), so I’m happy to make this offer on an ongoing basis. I’ve worked as a Denver realtor for 15 years and have been in the top 5-10% of HomeSmart agents over the past 3 years. I’d be honored to assist with any buy or sell transaction in the metro area. I also offer free advice or guidance on anything real estate related, so please reach out anytime if I can help.
Please email Joanna to learn more!

Questions? Additions for next week? Please email Katy!

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