Peace, Liberty, Justice

Please join us on December 2nd as Prairie’s theme turns to our 6th Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice.

We will take time to explore our Jewish roots as we head into Hanukkah at sundown. As we embark on the Festival of Lights, what is the relationship of light to peace, liberty and justice?

Prairie’s Band will provide special music. Please bring your checkbook and consider joining the UU Service Committee (UUSC) as we kick off our annual participation in Guest at Your Table, UUSC’s longest-standing fundraising and educational program for congregations. Half of our offering plate will go to support this important international justice work.

During Learning Hour, our children and youth will be gathering together to plan their participation in our Kwanzaa service (12/30) and our annual Christmas pageant (12/9). In addition, our Visioning Team will be leading us in the next step of our Appreciative Inquiry Process, the Discovery Process.

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