At Prairie UU, there are also many ways to connect with others and deepen your experiences through activities that support the congregation both internally and externally. This can be on an ongoing basis or a one-time event.

Associates’ Program

At Prairie, we want to deepen each member’s experience of service and learning in our congregation. The ministry we do follows a “shared ministry” model: whatever we do, we do together, sharing our work with the minister and staff to provide excellent care and programming. Prairie’s Associates’ program recognizes people who wish to serve for two years in a specific area of ministry: Worship, Pastoral Care, Justice, Education, or Stewardship. Learn More.

Caring Circle

The needs and concerns of the Prairie community are coordinated through Prairie’s Caring Circle. This group helps facilitate support for individuals and families going through life changes, including illness, a death in the family or other loss, or a significant anniversary or celebration. Such efforts include sending cards, visiting people in the hospital, making telephone calls, or providing a meal. If you have a concern or would like to join this group please contact the Pastoral Care team.

Hospitality Team

The Hospitality Team coordinates the food and beverages during Sunday Fellowship, at potlucks, and at other events. Fran and Cindy are co-chairs of this team. Contact Cindy if you are interested in joining the team or have hospitality suggestions.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee welcomes and follows up with visitors. We welcome people to help out as Greeters on Sunday, and/or attend Membership Council meetings. For more information, contact Membership.

Auction Team

Our Annual Auction is our biggest fundraiser and it is tons of fun to plan and attend.

For more information, please contact Jan S.

Adult Education

Attend or lead an Adult class! Learn more!

Children’s Education

Share your talents with our youth and children. Learn more!

Justice League

Make a difference! Learn more!

Worship Council

At Prairie UU, the Core Leadership Planning Team helps weave together worship, education for all ages, and justice activities and events. Work closely with the Leadership Team to help ground, create, and coordinate participation in Prairie’s Sunday worship and music.